Just to let you know, all you people who have been visiting this blog and haven't found anything new in like forever.... this is my new hangout:
It's confusing cuz it has almost the same address, w/out the hyphens. So be sure to visit there instead and only there! Thanks!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
Hola! Que es nueva contigo? I need to get new strings for my violin, a new bow, and some other stuff. Not because I broke them, just because I need ones that are better quality.
It's almost Valentine's Day already! I don't know if I'll send a valentine to anyone. Are you?(okay, I don't really expect an answer for that... lol) Anyway, here's a Valentine I already received!
"For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
Begott En
That whosoever
Believes In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life."
John 3:16
It's almost Valentine's Day already! I don't know if I'll send a valentine to anyone. Are you?(okay, I don't really expect an answer for that... lol) Anyway, here's a Valentine I already received!
"For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
Begott En
That whosoever
Believes In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life."
John 3:16
Monday, February 5, 2007
What's new
I'll be getting my first violin lesson next Monday! That's also the day I'm taking my PSSA test. Soon I'll be getting a pass to go skiing for 6 x at Bear Creek Ski Resort; except for getting sore from that, that should be awesome! Well, that's pretty much all that's new in my life at the moment.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Tricks to play on your brain

To Do and Notice
Stare at the bluish dot for awhile without moving your eyes or your head. The dot will gradually fade into the field of green. Some people find that the dot fades more rapidly if they stare blankly at the edge of the square. As soon as you move your head or eyes, notice that the blue reappears.
What's Going On?
Even though you're not aware of it, your eye is always making tiny jittery movements. Each time your eye moves it receives new information and sends it to your brain. You need this constant new information to see images.
You may have noticed that although the dot fades just about everything else in your field of vision remains clear. That's because everything else you see has distinct edges.
Stare at the bluish dot for awhile without moving your eyes or your head. The dot will gradually fade into the field of green. Some people find that the dot fades more rapidly if they stare blankly at the edge of the square. As soon as you move your head or eyes, notice that the blue reappears.
What's Going On?
Even though you're not aware of it, your eye is always making tiny jittery movements. Each time your eye moves it receives new information and sends it to your brain. You need this constant new information to see images.
You may have noticed that although the dot fades just about everything else in your field of vision remains clear. That's because everything else you see has distinct edges.
Violin and flute
vv -- My Weimer flute -- vv

vv -- My Rothenburg violin -- vv

I just got my new flute and violin today. They were only about $90 each off ebay; compared to their retail price of about $800 each, that's a bargain! I want to get violin lessons soon; I can't wait! My flute... well... first I will have to learn how to make it sound like anything other than a train whistle. It's a lot harder, and trying to get a sound out of it makes me feel dizzy aterwards. They are both fun though!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
new template
Okay... how do you like my blog's new look? My favorite color is purple, so I tried to do something to the template. I just messed around until I got something right. I know pretty much nothing about html so right now it's just trial and error. I hope I can figure out something else. I want to put something interesting, like pictures, on the sidebars. Yeah all you computer whizzes are probably laughing at me... I want to take a high school course that teaches all that kind of stuff next year.
My first post!
This is my first post! Well, not exactly, I have another blog that I've posted on before. I didn't have an opportunity to blog for several months because of computer trouble, but now I'm back on, starting over with a new blog. My old blog still exists - I didn't have the heart to delete it -, but I'll be posting on here from now on.
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